The beginning of this essay struck me - I have been noticing that compulsion to relate to the world as a consumer in my own life recently and it really bothers me! I specifically noticed it lately when going on hikes with my toddler. The whole time, I'm writing a review of the trail or the park in my head. I don't even post reviews very often! But apparently that's how I relate to the natural world now?!

The only way I can think to address it is to work on being present in the moment (as with everything in life) and to read less reviews in the first place, so I'm not primed to think that way. If anyone else has advice for countering this I'd love to hear it!

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Thank you, I loved your newsletter as usual (found you initially through Culture Study). I'm going to adapt this sucks/rocks thing toward some kind of life lesson I can impart to my 8 year old son...Mainly I wanted to say I'm a devoted Poog Hag too!

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Great work! I appreciate the recs very much too, feel free to keep including them if you have the energy

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Another absolute banger of a piece. Love the sucks/rocks lens - it’s so true that to categorise something neatly is so much easier than coping with the open endedness of ambivalence.

Slight serpent-eating-tail situation, but I loved the recommendations too 😂

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